Dubai TV în direct

Canal TV:Dubai TV

Țara: Emiratele Arabe Unite

Categoria: Public

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Dubai TV is a channel offered by the Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI). It replaced Emirates Dubai Television on June 14, 2004. Dubai TV broadcasts programmes predominantly in Arabic. The programming caters to family Arab audience specifically in the Arab World and is available in Australia, Europe, North America and the rest of Asia. A majority of its programming is produced locally in Dubai Media City. Dubai TV is a part of a four channel network owned by DMI. High-definition "HD" format is free and available on Nilesat and yahsat.


  • MBC 1 is a free-to-air, pan-Arab general television channel. Satellite transmission started from London in September 1991, making MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Center) the first

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  • جهاز إعلامي افتتحه صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي عضو المجلس الأعلى للإتحاد حاكم الشارقة ليكون ضيفاً على كل بيت إماراتي في 11/2/1989

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  • قناة تلفزيون الفجيرة Fujairah TV الفضائيه هى من القنوات التى تبث اشارتها من عبر القمر الصناعى النايل سات فضائيا و تقدم قناة تلفزيون الفجيرة Fujairah TV الفضائيه اخر الاخبار فى

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